1% for the Planet

1% For the Planet Logo
Credit: www.onepercentfortheplanet.org

1% for the Planet is an international membership organization that believes businesses have a moral duty to give back to the Earth in exchange for the natural resources they use. To this end, the organization invites companies to pledge 1% of their annual revenue (regardless of profit) to support vetted environmental nonprofits. Committed companies become certified members of 1% for the Planet, gaining a seal of legitimacy that distinguishes them from companies that use greenwashing tactics in the competition for environmentally conscious consumers. In this way, 1% for the Planet opens up an avenue for corporations to add generosity to their corporate goals within an economic framework otherwise driven primarily by profit.

Since its inception in 2002, 1% for the Planet has built a membership of more than 5,500 companies across 100 countries and mobilized more than USD 600 million for nonprofit partners working in four impact areas that reflect the intersectionality of the environmental movement: rights to nature, conservation and restoration, just economies and resilient communities. An innovative approach to corporate social responsibility (CSR), 1% for the Planet demonstrates that small actions add up, and that environmental generosity is not just good for people and the planet – it’s also good for business.

The practice of donating 1% of sales to grassroots environmental groups originated with Yvon Chouinard, the rock climber and reluctant entrepreneur who founded Patagonia in 1986, baking a “self-imposed Earth tax” into his business model and building his phenomenally successful outdoor clothing brand around this unconventional ethos. In 2002, Chouinard and longtime friend Craig Mathews, founder of Blue Ribbon Flies, established 1% for the Planet as a nonprofit where likeminded companies could form an alliance to amplify their philanthropic impact.

The 1% membership model is intentionally designed to make it easy for companies to take action toward their social responsibility goals. With no revenue threshold, companies of all sizes can join – indeed, the vast majority of member businesses are small and privately-owned. Further, by connecting members to approved nonprofit partners with whose missions they identify, 1% takes the legwork and the risk out of deciding where to give. Finally, through an annual certification process that holds members accountable to fulfill their 1% commitments, the organization builds credibility with consumers – a value proposition that ultimately rewards its members by elevating their brands.

After nearly two decades of relatively modest growth, 1% for the Planet roughly doubled its global membership between 2021 and 2023. At the same time, philanthropic giving reached record levels. In 2022 the organization launched the Planet Impact Fund as a giving vehicle for individual donors who want to engage with its mission at whatever level they can give. As 1% for the Planet continues to broaden its efforts to accelerate environmental giving, it is energized by the evidence that committed actors working collectively can drive large change.

Contributor: Erin Brown

Source type Full citation Link (DOI or URL)

“1% for the Planet Launches Philanthropic Fund to Drive Positive Change for the Environment.” NonProfit PRO, April 6, 2022. 1% for the Planet.


Afdhel, Aziz. “How Businesses and Individuals Are Leading the Way With 1% For The Planet in Environmental Giving.” Forbes, May 9, 2023.


Joffre, Laura. “‘We Don’t Demand Moral Purity’ – Kate Williams, 1% for the Planet.” Pioneers Post, June 22, 2023.


Corporate Transformation at Every Level: Kate Williams Keynote, ChangeNOW Summit 2023. ChangeNOW, May 26, 2023.


Kaye, Shaina. “Industry Expert Interview: Jenny Kalanges, VP of Membership at 1% for the Planet.” KSV (blog), July 6, 2023.
